Bibliography on Aid



Agarwal, A. "Beyond Pretty Trees and Tigers: The Role of Ecological Destruction in the Emerging Patterns of Poverty and People's Protests." ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science Research) Newsletter. New Delhi, April-September 1984, pp1-27.

Arnold, S. "Constrained Crusaders? British Charities and Development Education." Development Policy Review, No6, 1988, pp183-209.

Attfield, R. "Fairness to the Third World". Crucible, Oct-Dec 1983, pp71-176.

Barnes J R. "The Study of International Aid as a Form of Innovation". British Journal of International Studies, No 4, 1978, pp78-79.

Barnett, G. "The Labour Party and Overseas Development: Forty Years on and Still Planning Forward". The Round Table, No 289, 1984, pp17-23.

Barnett, G. "The UK All-Party Group on Overseas Development". The Round Table, No 292, Oct 1984, pp437-438.

Bell, W L. "Overseas Aid: the Man and the Mission". The Round Table, No 291, 1984, pp291-298.

Bird, R M. "Exercising Policy Leverage Through Aid: a Critical Survey". Canadian Journal of Development Studies, No 2, 1981, pp19-27.

Birrel, W. "Food Aid: the Involvement of the United Kingdom". IDS Bulletin, Vol 14 No 2, April 1983, pp16-17.

"British Council, Progress, Promise, Poverty and Struggle". British Council News. November 1983, pp4-5.

Broderick, P. "British Overseas Development Programme. Bidding for Projects Financed by International Lending Agencies". Gower, 1982, pp67-78.

Browning, R. "Evaluation in the ODA: a View From the Inside". Public Administration and Development, Vol 4, 1984, pp133-139.

Burki, S J and Ayres, R L. "A Fresh Look at Development Aid". Finance and Development, 23(1), 1986, pp6-10.

Byatt, I C R. "Byatt Report on Subsidies to British Export Credits". World Economy, Vol 7 No 2, June 1984, pp163-178.

Carranza, M. "Disarmament and World Development from a Latin American Perspective". IDS Bulletin, Vol 16 No 4, 1985, pp68-72.

Cassen, R. "The Effectiveness of Aid". Finance and Development, Vol 23 No 1, 1986, pp11-14.

Chan, S. "The Give and Take Approach". Times Higher Educational Supplement, 7 December 1984, p19.

Clay, E. "Food Aid Forecasting: the Literature on Needs and Requirements". Food Policy, Vol 1 No 1, 1986, pp42-46.

Cohen, J M, Grindle, M S and Walker, T. "Foreign Aid and Conditions Precedent: Political and Bureaucratic Dimensions". World Development, Vol 13 No 12, 1985, pp 1211-1230.

Cracknell, B. "Learning Lessons from Experience: the Role of Evaluation in the Administration of UK Aid". Public Administration and Development, Vol 4 No1, Jan-March 1984, pp7-19.

Crawford, M., Third World Debt Must Grow. Environmentalist, Vol 6 No 3, 1986, pp219-226.

Cunliffe, S A. "British Economic Aid Policy and International Human Rights: A Comparative Analysis of Conservative and Labour Policies in the 1970s". Political Studies, 33, March 1985, pp101-112.

Dalyell, T. "A Healthier Policy for Overseas Aid". New Scientist, 20 January 1985, pp4-5.

Devlin, R. "External Debt and Crisis: the Decline of the Orthodox Strategy. CEPAL Review, 27 1985, pp35-52.

Eggar, T. "The United Kingdom and UNESCO". Education Today, Vol 34 No 3, pp18-24.

Eisen, H. and White, J. "What Can a Country Do to Get More Aid?" Bulletin of the Institute of Development Studies, Vol 6 No 4, 1974, pp65-84.

Garcia, B G. "Reflexiones sobre la ayuda al desarrollo". Revista de Estudios Internacionales, Vol 7 No 3, 1986, pp7-19.

Gilbert, R T. "An Evaluation of the British Housing Aid Provided by the Ministry of Overseas Development". Journal of Administration Overseas, April 1980, pp73-87.

Gilbert, A. "Without a Care in the World". Times Higher Educational Supplement, 21 September 1984, p16.

Gonzalez, H. "Can Foreign Aid Continue as a Growth Industry for the Bureaucracy?" Inter-American Economic Affairs, Vol 37 No1, Summer 1983, pp53-60.

Gonzalez, H. "Latin America at the UN: the Gathering Storm". (US Policy). Inter-American Economic Affairs, Vol 39 No 2, 1985, pp11-26.

Gonzalez, H. "Latin American Debt Crisis: the Bail Out of the Banks. Inter-American Economic Affairs, Vol 39 No 3,1985, pp55-70.

Green, R H. "Consolidation and Accelerated Development of African Agriculture: What Agendas for Action?" Africa Studies Review, Vol 27 No 4, December 1984, pp17-34.

Hall, D W. "The Environmental Dimension in British Aid Policy". The Environmentalist, 4, 1984 pp133-134.

Hart, J . "Judith Hart Replies to Questions from ODI". ODI Review, No 1978, pp1-15.

Hayek, F A. "The Mirage of Social Justice." Volume II of Law, Legislation and Liberty. London, 1976, pp10-20.

Healey, J M and Coverdale, E M. "Foreign Policy and British Bilateral Aid: Comment on McKinlay and Little". British Journal of Political Science, Vol 11, 1981, pp123-127.

Herbold-Green, R. "Food Policy, Food Production and Hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa: Retrospect and Prospect". International Journal, Vol 41 No 4, Autumn 1986, pp768-89.

Hewitt, A. "British Aid: Policy and Practice". ODI Review, No2, 1978, pp51-56.

Hewitt, A and Sutton, M. "British Aid: a Change in Direction". ODI Review, No 1, 1980, pp1-10.

Hewitt A and Sutton, M. "Taking Stock: Three Years of Conservative Aid Policy". ODI Review, No 1, 1982, pp20-37.

Howe, Geoffrey. "The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank: the British Approach". International Affairs, Spring 1982, pp199-209.

Hunt, D. "Our Duty Towards Agriculture in the Developing Countries". Rural Life, No 3, 1980, pp6-15.

Huntington, S P. "Foreign Aid for What and for Whom?" Foreign Policy, 1, Winter 1970-71, pp161-189.

Jolly, R and Joekes, S. "Britain on Brandt". IDS Bulletin, Vol 12 No 2, April 1981 (whole edition devoted to this topic).

Keenleyside, T A. "Foreign Aid and Human Rights". International Perspectives, March-April 1987, pp20-31.

Keleman, P. "Politics of Famine". Contemporary Issues in Geography and Education, Vol 2 No 2, 1985, pp14-29.

Kingmill, W. "Encouraging Private Enterprise in Developing Countries: the Role of the British Aid Programme". British Overseas Aid 1986 Annual Review. ODA, London, 1987.

Kolinsky, M. "The Demise of the Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas: a Chapter in the History of the Idea of the University". MINERVA, Vol 21 No 1, Spring 1983, pp37-80.

Konandreas, P. "Assessing the Components of Prospective Food Aid Requirements". Food Policy, Vol 11 No 1, 1986, pp19-26.

Leech, J. "The Relevance of Development Assistance – the Experience of the Commonwealth Development Corporation". Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, February 1981, pp174-183.

McKinlay, R D and Little, R. "A Foreign Policy Model of US Bilateral Aid Allocation. World Politics. XXX, 1977, pp58-86.

McKinlay, R D. "The German Aid Relationship: A Test of the Recipient-Need and Donor-Interest Models of the Distribution of German Bilateral Aid, 1961-1970". British Journal of Political Science, No 8, 1978, pp313-332.

McKinlay, R D and Little, R. "A Foreign Policy Model of the Distribution of British Bilateral Aid 1960-1970". British Journal of Political Science, Vol 8, 1978, pp313-332.

McKinlay, R D and Little, R. "Linkage Responsiveness and the Modern State: An Alternative View of Interdependence". British Journal of International Studies, Vol 4 No 3, Oct 1978, pp12-24.

McKinlay R D. "The Aid Relationship: A Foreign Policy Model and Interpretation of the Distribution of Bilateral Aid of the US, UK, France and Germany 1969-70". Comparative Political Studies, Vol 11 No 4, Jan 1979, pp411-464.

McKinlay R D and Little, R. "The US Aid Relationship: A Test of the Recipient-Need and Donor-Interest Models". Political Studies, Vol 27 No 2, June 1979.

Madeley, J. "Britain's Overseas Charities: How they Spend Their Money". The Diplomatist, Vol 40 No 11, November 1983, pp25-27.

Marks, L. "Agents of Mercy". Observer Colour Supplement, 20 October 1985.

Marten, N. "Britain's Aid Policy". Round Table, No 286, April 1983, pp111-118.

Marten, N. "The Conservative Approach to Overseas Development." Politics Today, No 16, 1981, pp12-24.

May, R S and Dobson, N C. "The Impact of the United Kingdom 's Bilateral Aid Programme on British Industry". ODI Review, No 2, 1979, pp1-22.

May, R S and Dobson, N C. "Some Trade Aspects of Aid: the British Experience. National Westminster Bank Quarterly Review, February 1982, pp46-58.

May R S and Dobson, N C. "The UK Development Programme and the British Domestic Economy". Intereconomics, Jan-Feb 1982, pp20-25.

May, R S. "A Micro-Economic Study of the Effects of Overseas Development Aid on British Companies 1979-83." Development Policy Review, No 5, 1987, pp35-62.

Moore and Newbigging, "The UK Overseas Development Administration and Non-departmental Public Bodies in the Field of Educational Aid. Public Administration and Development, Vol 2 No 1, January 1982, pp31-44.

Morgenthau, J J. "A Political Theory of Foreign Aid". American Political Science Review, 56, June 1962, pp301-309.

Morris, J and Gwyer, G. "UK Experience with Identifying and Implementing Poverty-Related Aid Projects". Development Policy Review, Vol 1 No 2, November 1983, pp147-161.

Mosley, P. "Aid for the Poorest: Some Early Lessons in UK Experience". Journal of Development Studies, Vol 7, January 1981, pp213-225.

Mosley, P. "Models of the Aid Allocation Process: A Comment on McKinlay and Little". Political Studies, Vol 29, 1981, pp245-254.

Mosley, P. "The Politics of Evaluation: a Comparative Study of the World Bank and UK ODA Evaluation Procedures". Development and Change, Vol 14, 1983, pp593-608.

Mosley P. "The Political Economy of Foreign Aid: A Model for the Market for a Public Good". Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol 33 No 2, 1985, pp373-394.

Mosley, P. "Conditionality as Bargaining Process: Structural Adjustment Lending 1980-86". Essays in International Finance, No 168, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1987, pp7-16.

Moyes, A. "Britain Alone Cannot End Poverty, But It May Be Able To Make a Contribution to its End". Nature, 1 March 1979, pp7-9.

Navarrete, J E. "Foreign Policy and International Finance Negotiation: the External Debt and the Cartagena Consensus". CEPAL Review, 27, 1985, pp7-25.

Niven, A. "Books for Development". Bulletin of Current Documentation, No 69, June 1985, pp11-13.

ODA Policy Statement. "Britain's Overseas Aid Policy During the Government's Cut Backs Defined by the Minister of Overseas Development". World Aid Digest, 5 December 1980, p11.

O'Kane, B. "One Half of the World Doesn't Know How the Other Half Lives". Accountancy, Vol 96 No 1108, pp69-71.

Overseas Development Administration. "Food Aid: the Involvement of the UK. IDS Bulletin, Vol 14 No 2, 1983, pp16-17.

Oxfam."To What Extent is British Aid Real Aid to the Poorest in the Poorest countries?" Oxfam News, Feb-March 1983, pp5-8.

Poats, R M. "Development Lessons Learned (Aid)". OECD Observer, 137 1985, pp3-9.

Raison, R. "British Aid for Development. Crown Agents Quarterly Review, Autumn 1984, pp1-6.

Redclift, M. "Sustainability and the Market: Survival Strategies on the Bolivian Frontier." Journal of Development Studies, Vol 23 No.1, 1986, pp93-104.

Ryrie, W. "Managing an Aid Programme", Institute of Development Studies Bulletin, Vol 17 No2, 1986, pp7-13.

Shoham, V et al. "The Spread of Famine in Africa: Avoiding the Worst". Third World Quarterly, Vol 7 No3. 1985, pp515-532.

Streeten, P. "Basic Needs: Some Unsettled Questions". World Development, Vol 12 No 9, September 1984, pp973-978.

Sewell, J W and Contu, C E. "Foreign Aid and Gramm-Rudman". Foreign Affairs, Vol 65 No 5, 1987, pp1015-1036.

Sidell, S R. "Exploring the Effects of Tied Development Loans on the Foreign Exchange Liquidity Performance of Developing Countries: the Case of Guyana". Inter-American Economic Affairs, Vol 38 No 3, 1984, pp3-45.

Sinclair, K B. "The ODA's Support for Tropical Medicine". Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Vol 75, 1981, pp39-41.

Singer, H W. "A Note on the Implications of the Oil Price Increases for British Aid Policy". Bulletin of the Institute of Development Studies, Vol 6 No 2, 1974, pp109-116.

Singer, H W. "External Aid: for Plans or Projects". The Economic Journal, Vol XXV1 No 299, 1969, pp12-24.

Singer, H W. "Inter-Nation Influence: A Formal Model". American Political Science Review, 57, June 1963, pp 420-30.

Sutton, M and Hewitt, A. "Taking Stock: Three Years of Conservative Aid Policy". ODI Review, No 1, 1982, pp20-37.

Stewart, F. "Food Aid: Pitfalls and Potential". Food Policy, Vol 11 No 4, 1986, pp311-322.

Toye, J and Clarke, G. "The Aid and Trade Provision: Origins, Dimensions and Possible Reforms". Development Policy Review, Vol 4, No 4, 1986, pp291-313.

Vernon, R. "Conflict and Resolution Between Foreign Direct Investors and Less Developed Countries". Public Policy, 17, 1968, pp 335-351.

Walker, B W. "The Poor Shall Inherit (Aid)". Cities, Vol 4 No 1, 1987, pp6-12.

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Wells, A. "The Coup d'Etat in Theory and Practice: Independent Black Africa in the 1960s". American Journal of Sociology, Vol 79 No 4, 1974, pp871-877.

Winpenny, J T. "Can Aid Donors Trust the Market? The Case of Import Support Programmes." Development Policy Review, Vol 17 No 3, 1989, pp261-275.

Wittcopf, E. "Foreign Aid and the UN Vote: A Comparative Study". American Political Science Review, Vol 67 No 3, June 1973, pp868-888.

Wood, R. "Foreign Aid and the Capitalist State in Underdeveloped Countries". Politics and Society, Vol 10 No1, 1980, pp1-34.

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Conference of Socialist Economists. World Economy in Crisis: Rethinking International Perspectives. 1983.

Hart, J. Administering an Aid Programme in a Year of Change – a Personal Diary. Overseas Development Paper No 3. London, HMSO 1975.

Hart, J. The Rights of Man. Overseas Development Paper No 18. London, 1978.

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Mosley, P. "The Politics of Evaluation: A Comparative Study of World Bank and ODA Evaluation Procedures". School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Bath Papers in Political Economy, No 13, 1982.

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Overseas Development Institute. British Interests and Third World Development. London, 1980.

Overseas Development Institute. The Government's Plans and the Pearson Target. ODI, 1970.

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Radke, D. Conditionality and Policy Dialogue in Development Cooperatives. Occasional Papers. German Development Institute, 81, 1985.

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University of Sussex Institute of Development Studies. The Evaluation of Aid Projects and Programmes: Proceedings of the Conference Organised by the IDS (April 1983). London, Overseas Development Administration ,1984.

Ward, B and Bauer, P T. Two Views on Aid to Developing Countries. Institute of Economic Affairs, Occasional Papers, Series No 9, 1969.


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Allen, R. Exporting to the UK: Basic Guide for the Developing Country Exporter. UK Trade Agency for Developing Countries. Oxford, 1983.

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British Overseas Trade Board. Report by the Project Board Working Party on Aid and Trade. London, 1981.

Centre for World Development Education, London. Who to Ask About Developing Countries: A Handbook for Journalists. London, 1980.

Commonwealth Group of Experts. The North South Dialogue: Making It Work. London, 1982.

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Fryer, J. Food for Thought: the Use and Abuse of Food Aid in the Fight Against World Hunger. World Council of Churches. 1981.

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Haslemere Committee. The Haslemere Declaration: a Criticism of Current Aid Programmes with Suggested Action for Change. London, 1968.

Harris, N. Why Half the World Goes Hungry. London, 1987.

Hayter, T. Effective Aid: a Report of an International Conference Held Jointly by the Ditchley Foundation and the Overseas Development Institute 1966. London, ODI 1967.

Independent Group on British Aid. Real Aid: A Strategy For Britain. London, 1982.

Independent Group on British Aid. Aid is Not Enough: Britain's Policies to the Third World's Poor. London, 1984.

Independent Group on British Aid. Missed Opportunities: Britain and the Third World 1984-86. London, 1986.

Independent Group on British Aid. Real Aid Europe: What Britain Can Do. London, 1989.

Independent Group on British Aid. Missed Opportunities: Britain and the Third World – What the Parties Say. London, 1987.

Intermediate Technology Development Group. Appropriate Technology in Britain: the Main Groups. 1982.

Johnson, B and Blake, R O. The Environment and Bilateral Development Aid: the Environmental Policies, Programs and Performance of the Development Assistance Agencies of Canada, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, the UK and USA. International Institute for the Environment and Development. London, 1980.

Library Association. The British Commitment Overseas. (transcript of Seminar). London, 1979.

Mazza, J. The British Aid Programme and Development for Women. War on Want. London, 1987.

Miles, D W J. Appropriate Technology for Rural Development. Intermediate Technology Development Group. London, 1982.

O'Brien, M. Hope Amidst the Horror: The Socialist Answer to World Hunger. London, 1992.

Oxfam. How Good is British Aid? (Study Pack). Oxford, 1982.

Oxfam. Oxfam's Overseas Programme – Objectives and Strategies: from the Oxfam Field Directors Handbook. Oxford, 1980. Oxfam Handbook Section Booklet No 1.

Oxfam. What Kind of Aid? (Study Pack). nd.

Percy, S and Hall, M. British Aid to India: What Price? London, 1989.

Plant, Equality, Markets and the State. Fabian Society Tract No 494. London, 1984.

Socialist International Committee on Economic Policy. Global Challenge: from Crisis to Cooperation: Breaking the North-South Stalemate. 1985.

Society for International Development. Development Alternatives and Priorities: a British View. London, 1979.

Tanner, J. The Parrot and Long John Silver. World Development Movement. London, 1982.

Third World First. Beyond Brandt: an Alternative Strategy for Survival. Oxford, 1981.

Third World First. Speakers and Contact Book for the North of England on World Development. Oxford, 1983.

Third World First. Help Yourself: the Politics of Aid. London, 1985 (Links No 20).

Tropical Africa Advisory Council. Report: Aid, Trade and Credit in Tropical Africa. British Overseas Trade Board. London, 1983.

War on Want. Women for Change: Does the British Aid Programme Want Development for Women? London, nd.

Whittmore, C. Land for the People: Land Tenure and the Very Poor. Oxfam, 1981.

World Development Movement. Common Crisis: a Summary of the Brandt Commission's Report on Cooperation for World Development. 1983.

World Development Movement. Beyond 1992: The Effect of the Single European Market on the World's Poor. Occasional Paper 1.

World Development Movement. Second World, Third World: How Changes in Eastern Europe are Affecting the World's Poor. Occasional Paper No 2.

World Development Movement. The Shortcomings of EEC Aid. London, nd.



Cabinet Office. World Economic Interdependence and Trade in Commodities. HMSO, 1975 (Cmnd No 6061).

Cabinet Office. Future World Trends: a Discussion Paper on World Trends in Population, Resources, Pollution etc and Their Implications. HMSO, 1976.

Central Office of Information. Britain as a Market for Developing Countries. HMSO 1967 (COI Ref Pamphlet No 82).

Central Office of Information. British Aid in the 1970s. 1970 (Factel No 594).

Central Office of Information. Britain and the Developing Countries: Overseas Aid: a Brief Survey. 1975.

Central Office of Information. Britain and the Commonwealth. 1977.

Central Office of Information. British Emergency Relief. London, 1983.

Central Office of Information. Intermediate Technology And Britain's Overseas Aid. Ref Sheet No 5, 1985.

Central Policy Review Staff. Review of Overseas Representation. 1977.

Central Statistical Office. "UK Public Expenditure on Overseas Aid". (In Annual Abstract of Statistics 1963-). London, 1964.

Colonial Office. Technical Assistance from the United Kingdom for Overseas Development. 1961 (Cmnd 1308).

Commonwealth Development Corporation. Partners in Development: Finance Plus Management. 1976.

Crown Agents. Crown Agents: 1833-1983. London, 1983.

Department of Environment. Our Common Future: A Perspective by the United Kingdom on the Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development. London, 1988.

Department of Environment. Sustaining Our Common Future: A Progress Report by the United Kingdom on Implementing Sustainable Development. London, 1989.

Foreign Office. Report of the Committee on Representational Services Overseas Appointed by the Prime Minister Under the Chairmanship of Lord Plowden. 1962-63. HMSO, London, 1964 (Cmnd 2276).

Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Report of the Review Committee on Overseas Representation 1968-69. HMSO, 1969 (Cmnd 4107).

Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Colonial Development and Welfare Acts ((1929-70): a Brief Review. 1971 (Cmnd 4677).

Foreign and Commonwealth Office Overseas Development Administration. Overseas Aid: Britain's Help to the Developing Countries. 1971 (Folding Map).

Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Aid to the Developing World [Background Briefs 65 (1979), 110A (1980), 180 (1981), 243 (1982), 330A (1982), 354 (1983), 415 (1984)].

Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Britain's Contribution to the Development of the Third World (Speech by Francis Pym). London, 1982.

Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Common Crisis: Cooperation for World Recovery. Memorandum. London, HMSO, 1983 (Cmnd. 9001; Miscellaneous 18, 1983).

Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Drought and Famine in Africa. (Background Brief No 423) London, 1985.

Hart, J. The Relationship Between the Industrialised and Developing Countries: Fourth Annual Tom Mboya Memorial Lecture. HMSO, 1975. Overseas Development Paper No 1.

Hart, J. Administering an Aid Programme. in a Year of Change – a Personal Diary. Overseas Development Paper No 3. HMSO 1975.

Hart, J. New Perspectives in North-South Relations: a Radical View of World Poverty and Development. Address to the IPS and Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies. 1977.

Overseas Development Paper No 7. HMSO, 1977.

Hart, J. The Industrial Strategy: the Contribution of the Minister for Overseas Development. Overseas Development Paper No 17. London, HMSO, 1978.

Ministry of Overseas Development. Overseas Development: the Work of the New Ministry. HMSO, 1965 (Cmnd 2736).

Ministry of Overseas Development. Overseas Development: the Work in Hand. HMSO, 1967 (Cmnd 3180).

Ministry of Overseas Development. Definitions of Developing Countries. 1967.

Ministry of Overseas Development. Report from the Select Committee on Overseas Aid Session 1970-71: Observations by the Minister for Overseas Development. HMSO, 1971 (Cmnd 4687).

Ministry of Overseas Development. Overseas Development: the Changing Emphasis in British Aid Policies: More help for the Poorest. HMSO, 1975 (Cmnd 6270).

Ministry of Overseas Development. Guide to Project Appraisal in Developing Countries. HMSO, London, 1977.

Ministry of Overseas Development. Urban Poverty. HMSO, London, 1978.

Ministry of Overseas Development. Rule of Thumb Methods for Evaluating Emergency Food Aid Requests. London, 1978.

Ministry of Overseas Development. Appraising Investment Proposals. London, 1978.

Ministry of Overseas Development. A Guide to Transport Planning within the Roads Sector: for Developing Countries. HMSO, London, 1978.

Ministry of Overseas Development. Science and Technology for Development. The British National Paper for the UN Conference on Science and Technology for Development. London, 1979.

Overseas Development Administration. Speech to the UN Conference on Science and Technology for Development (by Neil Marten). London, 1979.

Overseas Development Administration. Project Handbook: Small Scale Enterprises. London, 1979.

Overseas Development Administration. British Experts Serving in Developing Countries (Background Paper), 1980.

Overseas Development Administration. The British Official Aid Programme (Background Paper), London, 1980.

Overseas Development Administration. Review of Government Statistical Services. ODA Departmental Study. London, 1981.

Overseas Development Administration. British Development Cooperation with the Least Developed and Poorest Countries. London, 1981.

Overseas Development Administration. Aid Policy and the Work of the Overseas Development Administration. A Briefing Paper. London, 1982.

Overseas Development Administration. British Aid in Action. London, 1982.

Overseas Development Administration. A Businessman's Guide to the British Aid Programme. London, 1982.

Overseas Development Administration. History and Functions. London, 1982.

Overseas Development Administration. Railways Sector Appraisal Manual. London, 1982.

Overseas Development Administration. Britain's Aid Programme: Opportunities for Exporters. London, 1982.

Overseas Development Administration. Guide to Joint Funding of Development Projects by British NGOs and the ODA. London, 1982.

Overseas Development Administration. Why Not Serve Overseas? London, 1982.

Overseas Development Administration. British Aid in Figures. London, 1983.

Overseas Development Administration. Britain's Contribution to the Development of the Third World. Francis Pym Speech to the Royal Commonwealth Society. London, 1982.

Overseas Development Administration. Conference on Overseas Development at the CBI, 23 June 1983. London, 1983.

Overseas Development Administration. The Lessons of Experience: Evaluation Work in ODA. HMSO, London, 1983.

Overseas Development Administration. British People in Development. London, 1983.

Overseas Development Administration. Speech at the Annual General meeting of the Society for International Development, 16th June 1983, by Timothy Raison. London, 1983.

Overseas Development Administration. Aid, Private Enterprise and Development (ODA/CBI Conference Proceedings June 1983). London, 1983.

Overseas Development Administration. The Joint Funding Scheme. London, 1984.

Overseas Development Administration. Guidelines for the Preparation of Evaluation Studies. London, 1985.

Overseas Development Administration. British Food Aid (Background Information). 1985.

Overseas Development Administration. The British Government's Response to Famine in Africa (Background Information). 1985.

Overseas Development Administration. Public Administration: a Select Bibliography. London, 1985.

Overseas Development Administration. The British Overseas Aid Programme: Some Basic Facts. London, 1985.

Overseas Development Administration. The Evaluation Activities of the ODA (1964-84). London, 1985.

Overseas Development Administration. ABC of Aid and Development: Some Terms and Institutions. London, 1986.

Overseas Development Administration. Overseas Development and Aid: a Guide to Sources of Information and Material. London, 1986 (updated annually).

Overseas Development Administration. Britain's Aid Programme: Business Opportunities. London, 1986.

Oversea Development Administration. Women in Development and the British Aid Programme. London, 1986

Overseas Development Administration. Business Opportunities from the Aid Programme. Speech by Chris Patten to Business Briefings Conference. London, 1986.

Overseas Development Administration. The Environment and the British Aid Programme. London, 1987.

Overseas Development Administration. Manual of Environmental Appraisal. London, 1988.

Overseas Development Administration. Women, Development and the British Aid Programme: A Progress Report. London, 1989.

Overseas Development Administration. Good Government. Speech by Douglas Hurd to Overseas Development Institute, 1990.

Overseas Development Administration. The Rainforest Harvest. Speech by Lynda Chalker at the Friends of the Earth Conference, May 1990.

Overseas Development Administration. Aid and Poverty. Speech by Lynda Chalker to All Party Group on Overseas Development, 1991.

Overseas Development Administration. Good Government and the Aid Programme. Speech by Lynda Chalker to Royal Institute of International Affairs, June 1991.

Overseas Development Administration. Action for the Environment. London, 1992.

Robson, D G, Gormley, A. and Sonowane, D. Aided Self-Help Housing in Sri Lanka, 1977-1982. HMSO, London, 1984.

HM Treasury. The Costs and Risks of Support for Capital Goods Exports (Byatt Report). London, 1982.

HM Treasury. Treasury Minute on the Nineteenth to Twenty-Fifth and Twenty-Seventh to Twenty-Second Reports from the Committee of Public Accounts. 1989-90, Cmnd 1247.


House of Commons Select Committee on Overseas Aid. Session 1972-73. The UK's Entry into Europe and Economic Relations with Developing Countries: Report. HMSO, 1973 (HCP 294-I).

House of Commons Select Committee on Overseas Aid. Session 1974. The Oil Crisis and Third World Development: Implications for UK Policy: Report. HMSO, 1975 (HCP 230-I).

House of Commons Select Committee on Overseas Development. Session 1975-76. The World Food Crisis and Third World Development: Implications for UK Policy. HMSO, 1976 (HCP 191).

House of Commons Select Committee on Overseas Development. Second Report. Session 1975-76. The Relationship Between UK Investment and Trading Patterns and Development with Reference to the Specific Problems of Small Developing Economies. HMSO, 1976 (HCP 705).

House of Commons Select Committee on Overseas Development. The Forthcoming UNCTAD Negotiations. Second Report. Session 1976-77. HMSO, 1977 (HCP 222).

House of Commons Select Committee on Overseas Development. Trade and Aid. First Report (Session 1977-78), 2 vols, HCP 125-I and II of 1977-78. Observations by Minister of Overseas Development, Cmnd 7213).

House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee. Development Divisions. Fourth Report (Session 1979-80) 2 Vols (Vol 1: HCP 718-I and II of 1979-80. Observations by Minister for Overseas Development, Cmnd 8130).

House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee. Zimbabwe: the Role of British Aid. Session 1980-81 HCP 117-I,II,II and IV.

House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts. Assessing the Effectiveness of Bilateral Aid: Charges Made by the Crown Agents for Services Carried Out For the ODA; Advances to the Commonwealth Development Corporation: Fourth Report (Session 1980-81) London, HMSO, 1981 (HCP 183 of 1980-81).

House of Lords Select Committee on European Communities. Development Aid Policy: Twenty-First Report (Session 1980-81) London, HMSO 1981. (House of Lords Paper 146 of 1980-81). (Observations by the Government. Cmnd 8326).

House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee. The Mexico Summit: the British Government's Role... the Brandt Commission Report. (3 vols, HCP 211-I, II and III) London, HMSO 1981. (Government Reply. Relations with Developing Countries. Cmnd. 8369).

House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee. Caribbean and Central America: Fifth Report (Session 1981-82). HMSO, London, 1982. (HCP 47 of 1981-82. Observations by Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. Cmnd 8891.

House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee. The ODA's Scientific and Special Units: Fourth Report (Session 1982-83) 2 Vols. HCP 25-I and II of 1982-83. Observations by Government. Cmnd 9003.

House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee. The Brandt Commission's Report: HMG's Response. Session 1983-84(?), HCP362 XX.

House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee. Famine in Africa: Second Report (Session 1984-85) London, HMSO 1984. (HCP 56 of 1984-85. Observations by the Government. Cmnd 9566).

All Party Parliamentary Group on Overseas Development. Report on UK Aid to African Agriculture. Overseas Development Institute 1985.

House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee. Second Report Session 1986-87. Bilateral Aid: Country Programmes. HMSO, 1987 (HCP 32). (Observations by Government. Cmnd 225).

House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee. Session 1987-88. Fourth Report.

House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts. Twenty-First Report. Bilateral Aid to India. Session 1989-90 (HCP 200). HMSO 1990. (Observations by Government. Cmnd 1247)

National Audit Office. Overseas Development Administration: Accountability for Overseas Aid. HMSO, 1985.

National Audit Office. Bilateral Aid to India. London, 1990.



Development Assistance Committee (DAC). Development Cooperation. OECD, Paris.

Development Assistance Committee. Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing Countries. Paris.

Overseas Development Administration. British Overseas Aid. Annual Review. London.

Overseas Development Administration. British Aid Statistics. London

Overseas Development Administration. Projects by Sector: Allocations and Expenditures. London.

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The State of the World's Children.

United Nations Development Programme. Human Development Report. New York.

World Bank. Annual Report. New York.


Commission on International Development (Pearson). Partners in Development. London, 1969.

Independent Commission on International Development Issues (Brandt Commission). North-South – a Programme for Survival. (Brandt) London, 1980. (For an Account of the British Reaction to this Report from a variety of points of view see IDS Bulletin, Vol 12 No 2 – the whole of which was devoted to this subject with various authors – Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, 1981).

Independent Commission on International Development Issues (Brandt Commission). Common Crisis: North-South Cooperation for World Recovery (Brandt II). London, 1983.

All-Party Parliamentary Group on Overseas Development. UK Aid to African Agriculture. London, 1985.

World Commission on Environment and Development. Our Common Future. Oxford, 1987.

Holden, PM. Constraints to Increasing the Proportion of Women Benefitting from ODA-Funded Training Awards. Overseas Development Administration Internal Report. 1988.

Ladbury, S. Constraints to the Recruitment of Women to Overseas Posts by the ODA. June 1990 (internal report of the Overseas Development Administration).

Mosse, C D F and Kabbur, A N. Report on Monitoring Mission for World Bank-Funded Karnataka Social Forestry Project. Oxfam/FEVORD-K Report, March 1989.

Pearce, D, Markandya, A and Barbier, E B. Blueprint for a Green Economy. London, 1989.

United Nations. Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women. New York, 1985.


ActionAid. Common Cause, Vol 2 No 5, 1990. Magazine of ActionAid mainly devoted to Women and Development.

George, S. "India's Misplaced Hopes". Multinational Monitor, September 1980, pp18-19.

Goldsmith, E et al. The Ecologist, Vol 15 No 1/2, 1985. (whole issue devoted to polemic against World Bank and the British Overseas Development Administration – and their replies –  in relation to aid, the environment and the Ethiopian Famine).

Lohman, L., "The Scourge of Eucalyptus in Thailand." The Ecologist, Vol 20 No 1, 1990, pp9-17.

Lohman, L and Colchester, C. "Paved with Good Intentions: TFAP's Road to Oblivion." The Ecologist, Vol. 20 No 3, 1990. pp91-98.

Mandel, E. "The More Food There Is The More People Go Hungry". Intercontinental Press, 10 April 1986, pp16-25.

Rees, W. "The Ecology of Sustainable Development." The Ecologist, Vol 20 No 1, 1990, pp18-23.

Suri, S. "Debate Sparks a Diplomatic Row." (an account of how the Indian Environment Minister attacked British aid at an Oxford University Debate). India Abroad. New Delhi, 1March 1991.

Shepherd, G and Stewart, J. "Poor People's Forestry." Appropriate Technology, Vol 15 No1, June 1988 (whole issue devoted to social forestry), pp1-4.

Shepherd, G. "Social forestry and the Poor in Karnataka: Prospects and Problems". Appropriate Technology, Vol 15 No1, June 1988, pp17-19.

Shiva, V et al. "Social Forestry – No Solution Within the Market". The Ecologist, Vol 12 No. 4, 1982, pp158-168.

Shiva, V. "Forestry Myths and the World Bank." The Ecologist, Vol 17 No 4/5, 1987, pp142-149.

Shrybman, S. "Free-Trade versus the Environment: the Implications of GATT". The Ecologist, Vol 20 No 1, 1990, pp30-34.

Sinha, D. "Doing Business with the British." Business World (New Delhi), 9 November 81. pp54-62.

Streeten, P et al. "Rules for Real Aid." New Internationalist, August 1983.

Takhurta, P G. "Behind the Rosy Facade." Update, 30 May 86, pp22- 31 (an analysis of the threat posed to India's domestic power equipment manufacturing capacity by foreign competition).

Tanner, J. "Business Strings Tie Up Britain's Programme of Overseas Aid". The Guardian, 7 November 1984, p25.


ActionAid. Proceedings of ActionAid Symposium on Poverty-Focussed Aid. London, 1987.

Alliance. Shared Earth: Development Priorities for an Alliance Government. London, nd.

Arnold, J E M et al. Evaluation of the Social Forestry Project in Karnataka, India. Overseas Development Administration, July 1989.

Davidson, J. Women and Environment. Unpublished Discussion Paper presented by the National Alliance of Women's Organisations Women in Development Group to the Overseas Development Administration. September 1988.

Farruk, M O et al. India Karnataka Social Forestry Project: Staff Appraisal Report. Unpublished document, 1983.

FEVORD-K. Western Ghats Forestry and Environmental Project Karnataka – response from the Federation of Voluntary Organisations for Rural Development – Karnataka. Unpublished document November. 1990.

Government of Ghana Ministry of Education. Project Identification Proposal: the Expansion of Functional Literacy Campaigns Nationwide 1991-1996. January 1991. Unpublished Document outlining an ODA "flagship" gender project.

Greenpeace/WWF/Friends of the Earth. The Green Gauntlet: Testing the Government's Commitment to the Environment. nd (c1990).

Hanley, E. Social Development in ODA. September 1990. (Internal unpublished document of the Overseas Development Administration on the role of Social Development Advisers).

Hayter, T. The World Bank/IMF and Debt. Unpublished briefing paper submitted to the Socialist Movement Conference, 17-18 November 1990.

Holden, P. Ghana: Non-Formal Education Project. Brief unpublished Overseas Development Administration document summarising the project, nd.

Labour Party (Britain). Development Cooperation: Socialism in the 80s (Discussion Document), 1982.

Labour Party (Britain). Modern Britain in a Modern World: for the Good of All – Labour's Plans for Aid and Development. London, 1985.

Labour Aid and Development Committee (British Labour Party). A Programme for Development. March 1986. Unpublished document.

Labour Party (Britain). Talking points: Overseas Aid: Britain's Place in the World. September 1986.

Labour Party (Britain). Press release: Secret Report Shows Government Hid the Truth About Aid from Parliament. 19 September 1991.

McGrath, P. Karnataka Social Forestry Project: Project Summary, Poverty Impact of the Project, Women in the Project. Unpublished document of the Overseas Development Administration.

O'Connell, H and Goldsmith, J. Education and Training and the British Aid Programme. Paper Presented by the National Alliance of Women's Organisations Women and Development Group to the Overseas Development Administration. January 1989.

O'Connell, H. The Implications of Structural Adjustment Lending for Women in Developing Countries. Paper Presented by the National Alliance of Women's Organisations Women in Development Group to the Overseas Development Administration January 1990.

Oxfam. The Oxfam White Paper. Oxford, nd (c1987).

OECD. Guiding Principles to Aid Agencies for Supporting the Role of Women in Development. OECD, Paris, 1983.

OECD. Revised Guiding Principles on Women in Development, 1989. OECD, Paris, 1989.

Overseas Development Administration. Checklist for the Participation of Women in Development Projects (Internal document of the Overseas Development Administration for Statistical Reporting to the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD). nd.

Overseas Development Administration. Notes on WID Policy for the Meeting of the Commonwealth Secretariat on Structural Adjustment and Women. June 1991. (ODA internal document).

Overseas Development Administration. Project Proposal: Rainfed Farming Project (Eastern India) 1988/89-1993/94. Unpublished Overseas Development Administration document outlining an ODA "flagship" poverty-focussed project. nd.

Overseas Development Administration. South East Asia Development Division. Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) Project. February 1990. Unpublished ODA internal document.

Spellman, J W. Development Through Indigenous Resources. Indian Cultural Development Centre, Madras. Unpublished Paper.

Report of Progress in Implementing ODA's Policy on Women in Development, 1989/90. Internal Document of Overseas Development Administration.

Toye, J. The ATP Scheme: Some General Considerations. 1985.

Williams, S. Women in Development. Oxfam internal document. August 1983.

Woodroffe, J et al. Population: Contraception, Family Planning and Women's Rights. Paper presented by National Alliance of Women's Organisations Women in Development Group to the Overseas Development Administration. November 1990.

World Development Movement. Where the Parties Stand: WDM Guide for European Election Day. 1989.

World Development Movement. Where the Parties Stand. WDM Guide to the 1991 General Election. 1991.

World Development Movement. Where the Manifestos Stand on Third World Poverty. WDM Guide to the 1991 General Election Manifestos. 1991.